How Often Should You Change a Pool Filter?

As pool owners, we understand the importance of maintaining crystal-clear water and a healthy swimming environment. One crucial aspect of pool maintenance is that your pool filter is clean and functioning efficiently. But how often should you change your pool filter to keep your pool in top condition?

Types of Pool Filters

Before diving into how often to change your pool filter, it’s essential to understand the different types of pool filters available. The three main types are sand filters, cartridge filters, and diatomaceous earth (D.E.) filters. Each filter type has its own maintenance requirements and lifespan.

Even the best pool filters will need to be replaced as well as cleaned. Head over to our Pool Repair Service page for information on how we can help.

how often should you change your pool filter
Clean cartridge filter, ready to be used.

Frequency of Pool Filter Changes

Sand Filters: Sand filters require backwashing every 3-4 weeks to remove debris and buildup. Replace the sand every 5-7 years, depending on usage and water quality.

Cartridge Filters: Cartridge filters have superior filtration capabilities and are easy to maintain. Clean them every 3-6 months and replace every 2-3 years.

D.E. Filters: D.E. filters provide the highest level of filtration but require more maintenance. D.E. powder should be added after each backwashing, and the grids should be cleaned at least once a year. The grids may need to be replaced every 5-7 years.

Leave the filter changing to us. Go to our pool maintenance service page for details.

how often should you change a pool filter
Choose the pool filter that’s right for you.

Factors to Consider

Several factors can influence how often you should change your pool filter, including the size of your pool, frequency of use, amount of debris, and water quality. Regular maintenance and cleaning of your pool filter can extend its lifespan and ensure optimal performance.

Heath (2023) says DE filters provide superior filtration, and their routine cleaning is slightly more complicated than sand or cartridges filters.

Survey results from Pool and Spa News (2013) tell us that nearly 39 percent of respondents nationwide prefer cartridge filters, while DE is favored by about 33 percent. Sand filters round out the remainder with nearly 29 percent of the vote.

change your pool filter
Sand filters are cheap, but they only filter out large debris.


In conclusion, the frequency of changing your pool filter will vary depending on the type of filter you have and the specific conditions of your pool. Regular maintenance, cleaning, and replacing of pool filters are essential to keep your pool water clean, clear, and safe for swimming.

If you’re unsure about the maintenance schedule for your pool filter or need assistance with pool maintenance, don’t hesitate to contact Arlington Pool Cleaners for expert advice and service. Remember, a well-maintained pool filter is the key to enjoying a pristine and healthy swimming experience all season long.


Heath, E. (2023, August 2). What you need to know about pool filters. Family Handyman.

Traylor, N. (2013, July 9). Survey finds reasons for filter preference. Pool and Spa News.